Friday, February 25, 2011

Cheesus is coming!

So I created a piece of art for the 'Jesus is Coming'
show at the R&R gallery downtown last month.
It's 4'x6', made out of Cheez-Its, Cheez-It boxes, grocery
bags and some old fence wood, and I called it 'Cheesus'.
I guess some crazy cheesy cracker lover thought it
was worth buying, cuz it sold. Yum.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Man, if this kid wins that knuckle...
New CV carb and air cleaner for Unfaithful.
Mucho thanks to my friends Kim and Pat at
BenchMark and muy mucho thanks to Axel
for being the parts wizard.
A rough February on the best coast
After all the hot wings...thanks Kim

The movie I did the production design on just got picked up by
the new Paramount independent studio. It's the first movie they'll
be releasing and it's getting a huge marketing push. We're pretty
damned excited. Should be out this summer...I'll post more
when I know more.